Give Online
We would love to make giving easy for you. Click the button below to give online.
The Bible illustrates the importance of tithing. By giving of our tithes, we are acknowledging that God is our ultimate provider. We encourage you and your family to pray about what tithing should look like for you. Some families like to put cash in the offering plates on Sunday morning, some families write a check, some pay online through our secure Elexio giving site, and some families like to set up a recurring donation through Elexio. Whatever tithing might look like for you, just remember there is no gift too small, and no gift too large. We ultimately want you to make tithing an act of worship between you and God.
Need help determining how to give or how much is the right amount? Speak with one of our Church Deacons or Church Staff Members and they can help guide you through the process of tithes and offerings.
Special Offerings Throughout The Year
Occasionally, we collect an offering for a specific cause. Here's an example of some of our special offering collections throughout the year:
Lottie Moon International Missions Board Christmas Offering
Vacation Bible School Missions Offering
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox (Gifts or Money)
Benevolent Fund Offering (Every Lord's Supper Service)