Our Vision, Our Dream

At First Baptist Church Grain Valley, our overall mission is to:

► Connect People to God

► Connect People to People

We accomplish our mission by staying connected to the DREAM…

Develop biblical community

When we talk about “biblical community” we’re talking about family. The church, which is often called “the Body of Christ” in the Scriptures, is made up of people who are imperfect, but who are called to love one another the way that God has loved us. At GVF, we are committed to love, pray, and care for one another. We want this action to be legitimate and sincere. We want to be helpful and kind to one another and live in such a way as to bring glory to God. At GVF, our desire is for you to get plugged into a small community of friends where you can talk, pray, and study the Bible is a safe and transparent environment.

Reach out to others in need

You don’t have to look very far to see that people are hurting. There are all types of different hurts. Some people are hurting physically, others relationally, emotionally, or spiritually. Our mission is the same as that of the Lord Jesus who “went around doing good” (Acts). Jesus healed and met the physical and emotional needs of people because He loved them. We want to do the same things in our community. At GVF, our goal is to minister to our members and the community around us.

Engage in worship and praise 

Our ultimate purpose is to worship God. He alone is worthy of our praise and adoration. Our very lives are to reflect the glory of God, and therefore, bring Him praise. In addition, we are to be people who regularly meet together for the express purpose of glorifying God. At GVF, our goal is to create an environment where God is truly worshiped in spirit and in truth.

Actively share our faith 

Jesus told His followers, “Go make disciples of all the nations”. We believe that sharing what Jesus has done for us and what He can do for others is our primary mission. When we say “actively”, what we mean is that we want to be authentic followers of Christ who live in such a way that others around us would be attracted to the light of Christ. We want our conduct and our conversation always to point people to Jesus.

Make disciples 

Because Jesus said, “Go make disciples”, our goal is not to “make Christians”, our goal is to make disciples. A disciple is a learner– a person who has committed him or herself to being a follower of Christ and seeks to grow in Christ-likeness. At GVF, all of our programs are designed in such a way as to help you grow in your walk with Jesus–to learn more about Him and to follow in His footsteps.

Want to know a little more about what we believe? Contact us at office@grainvalleyfirst.com