Welcome to First Baptist Church of Grain Valley
Connecting People to God and
Connecting People to God and
People to People
People to People
Weekly Events:
Weekly Events:
Sunday Mornings:
Sunday Mornings:
Traditional Worship Service
Traditional Worship Service
9:00 AM until 10:10 AM
Contemporary Worship Service
Contemporary Worship Service
10:30 AM until 11:45 AM
Sunday School and Bible Study Opportunities
Sunday School and Bible Study Opportunities
9:00 AM - 10:10 AM (During our 9:00 Service)
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (During our 10:30 Service)
Kidz Church (Kindergarten - 6th grade)
Kidz Church (Kindergarten - 6th grade)
10:30-11:45 AM (check in and dismissal from service)
Sunday Evenings:
Sunday Evenings:
Sunday Night Worship Service - Sanctuary
Sunday Night Worship Service - Sanctuary
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
A service dedicated to Worship, The Character of Christ (9 Weeks beginning on July 28) Bible Study, and Corporate Prayer
Kidz Choir (1st Grade - 6th Grade) - During The School Year
Kidz Choir (1st Grade - 6th Grade) - During The School Year
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Pre-School Class (3 years old - Kindergarten) - During The School Year
Pre-School Class (3 years old - Kindergarten) - During The School Year
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Wednesday Evenings:
Wednesday Evenings:
Kidz Connect LIVE (Kindergarten - 6th grade)
Kidz Connect LIVE (Kindergarten - 6th grade)
Check in--6:15 PM / Check out 7:45 PM
The Rock Student Ministries (7th Grade -12th Grade)
The Rock Student Ministries (7th Grade -12th Grade)
6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
Adult Bible Study - Sanctuary
Adult Bible Study - Sanctuary
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM